Great Big Green Week (10th to 18th June 2023) is a celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. Nationally it is run by the Climate Coalition, a wide network which includes Tear Fund, Christian Aid and the Salvation Army. Groups around West Devon will be taking part, so it is a chance for churches to encourage prayer and action for God's earth, and benefit from local and national publicity for the week. (It also fits within the international / ecumenical Season of Creation which signposts prayer ideas.)
Taking part could be as simple as listing a harvest festival on the Great Big Green Week website if it falls in the week, or a fellowship group talking about ways to reduce waste.
Or it could be a special event such as a prayer walk, film or speaker.
Study groups could perhaps try eg the Bible Reading Fellowship's "A Christian Guide to Environmental Issues" , Ruth Valerio's "Saying Yes to Life".
For new worship songs see Resound Worship's Doxecology.
For resources on everything from saving energy to children's activities, https://ecochurch.arocha.org.uk/resources/. Tavistock Methodist Church's Eco Church steering group (
) or Revd Rob Weston of the URC can also advise.
Transition Tavistock will be arranging some overall publicity for local GBGW activities - let them know yours via