Tavistock Healing Rooms logo

 The Healing Rooms is a place where anyone can receive prayer for healing with a team trained in Christian healing ministry. Everything is completely confidential. We meet at the Society of Friends Meeting House at the entrance to Bedford car park, opposite the bus station. We are open every Monday (except bank holidays). Time: 7.30pm - 9pm. No appointment required, just turn up.

COSTA HEALING ROOMS - we now have a Healing Rooms post at Costa Cafe, 43 Brook St, Tavistock. Time: Tuesdays 10.30am - 12 noon

For further information please contact  01822 612100.


DATA (Debt Advice, Tavistock Area) 

Data Logo

DATA (Debt Advice, Tavistock Area)    is an organisation run by volunteers from TACT churches freely available for the benefit of any in the area who may need its services. We offer help ranging from advice with budgeting, this includes budgeting training in church or school situations, through to support and advice with bankruptcy procedures. We are affiliated to Community Money Advice (http://www.communitymoneyadvice.com/), who train our volunteers and are Office of Fair Trading registered.

For further details, phone 07955 728 721, or email



Foodbank dataPockets of desperate need in Tavistock and surrounding villages have sparked the creation of a foodbank in the town in spite of the area's prosperous, middle class image, there are people facing real hardship. 

Foodboxes are for real crisis moments, to help short-term, when for whatever reason, whether it's redundancy, illness, a sudden unexpected bill, people have no money at all to buy food.

We need - your time to gather and sort food in our warehouse and distribution point, your initiative to find ways of raising money and sourcing food donations and your support to raise awareness.

If you can help please call Linda on 079 41 43 61 49.

Local Weather
scattered clouds
Feels like: 5°C
Humidity: 75%
Pressure: 1019
Wind: E at 11 mph